Breed: Olde English Bulldog
Sex: Male
Age: 6 years old
Weight: 52 lbs.
2/22/2023 Update:
Hoover has been ADOPTED!!!!! It is with great pleasure we announce that Hoover has found his forever family.
Hoover joined the NBBR family as an unclaimed stray. Hoover was found roaming the mean streets of a South Texas town. Unfortunately for Hoover he was caught, booked and held in a cell until (hopefully) his owners would claim him. The shelter that Hoover was taken to did not have air conditioning. This was definitely not a good situation for ANY dog but surely not for a Bulldog. Hoover wasn’t doing well in the shelter, so a shelter employee contacted a NBBR volunteer and asked if we would take Hoover and find him a forever home. As with many of the Bulldogs that come into NBBR, Hoover was in a small town that doesn’t have the best support with stray animals AND he was several hours away. So, the Bulldog Train sprang into action. A volunteer picked him up from the shelter and kept him over night. Volunteer One met volunteer Two to begin the transport. Volunteer Two drove 2 hours to meet Volunteer 3 who took Hoover on the final leg of the journey. (And you think we are kidding when we say “it takes a village” to rescue Bulldogs).
Once Hoover was in the DFW area, his first stop (like all new intakes) was the clinic to get a complete checkup and hopefully a clean bill of health. Unfortunately, there were many things that required attention, heartworm, ear/eye infections, GI issues, Hoover had them all. So, when Hoover went to his foster family, he was a “work in progress” to say the least. But after several months, Hoover was back to his old self. However, there was one thing that was still lingering: Hoover’s inability to gain weight. Mr. H was eating but the pounds were not following. His foster family tried everything, high calorie food, extra helpings, weight gain powders, you name it. After all these attempts and continued clean bills of health it was determined that Hoover was just a svelte young guy. The other thing that they had to work with Hoover on was his dislike for other dogs (except for his foster brother- there was no issues there and they got along well).
Speaking of Hoover’s foster family…. they took great care of Hoover for several years, while there were very limited adoption applications for Hoover, we held our hope that the right forever family was out there. Well, after all the trials and tribulations that Hoover’s foster family had endured, they decided that THEY were the forever family that Hoover needed. We agreed. Congratulations to Hoover and his new forever family, may your happily ever after be a long one.
9/16/2022 Update:
11/1/2021 Update:
Update from Hoover’s foster family. This week we will be getting new furniture so we ditched our old stuff which left us without a couch for Hoover to lie on in the evening for two days. He was perfectly happy to lie down on his blanket on the floor. On Halloween when the Trick Or Treaters came to the door all night he was great. He sat near the door to check out the costumes but didn’t try to rush the door when we opened it to give out candy. No barking or jumping. Just chill. That’s all for now.
10/10/2021 Update:
Good evening,
8/9/2021 Update:
7/18/2021 Update:
Hoover: He continues to thrive. Unlike other bulldogs, he tolerates the heat much better. I have to bring in his brother Woodrow after about 10-15 minutes but he is fine. He also knows how to self regulate by lying in shade or on the patio and he loves his bowl of ice. But be warned. He still licks!!! That is how he shows his affection. Sweet but gross.
5/16/2021 Update:
Nothing new to report. Hoover doing well. He had a little ear infection but Dr H gave us drops and Hoover takes it like a champ. We thought he had issues with his gums but it turned out to be nothing just some built up hair and other stuff that needed to be worked out. He had to be sedated to remove it. Boy, he was funny seeing him coming out of the vet all loopy! On our walks he isn’t as interested in chasing rabbits and squirrels. He is curious but keeps on the path. He is curious of other dogs on walks. He never ever barks.
4/4/2021 Update:
The Hoov is really loving the warmer weather. He is definitely a sun bunny! Laying in the sun is the second best place next to the couch with a blanket to suckle on. (I do have to wash his throw blanket weekly because it gets stinky!) He tolerates us handling him without a fuss. For example, if he needs ear drops he lets us tug on the ears. When he needs his nails trimmed he lets us file them down (sorta.) He continues to be chill around everyone he meets. No jumping. And when I open the front door he doesn’t run out. He still isn’t 100% around other dogs except his foster brother. They get along great but it took them about 6 months to get there. Hoover is one dog that lives by a predictable schedule! He knows when it is time to eat and will let you know that i’s 9:00 and time to put him down for the night. Still living his best life!
2/20/2021 Update:
We were without power for almost 50 hours during our recent snow event. Hoover is not a fan of snow! He was a south Texas stray so he isn’t used to this at all. When it was 1° outside he refused to go potty, but he knows not to go inside especially on carpet, so what did he do? He did his “doodie” on a yoga mat in the back of the house. It was easy cleanup! How could you be mad over his problem solving skills? He stayed warm all week cuddled in his bed with his blanket. And loved having me home all week. Of interesting note, on our walks lately we have found more dead critters (birds, mice) and he instinctively snatched them up in his mouth but he spit it out when I said “drop it!” I was shocked. He looks less skinny and just looks muscular now.
9/1/2020 Update:
He continues to be a people’s doggie. He loves sleeping in his crate. He never makes a peep. He actually sits and stares at us around 9 pm every night for us to put him in his “nigh night”. He patiently waits for his food. No food aggression here.
8/11/2020 Update:
Hoover is having a great summer! Compared to being a stray in south Texas this time last year? He is living his best life. He continues to meet new people all the time and gets so many compliments about how well behaved he is! He has even been a gentleman around little children. He continues to go for run/walks every day but in this heat it is a little shorter of a route. Speaking of heat, he still likes to lie in the backyard soaking up sun and he knows how to regulate himself by getting up and lying in the shade or when he has had enough he will go stand by the back door. He is getting along with foster brother Woodrow and has friendly wrestling matches that never get out of hand. (Woodrow being younger is always the instigator!) Speaking of other animals, Hoover really hasn’t been around other animals (dogs, cats, etc…) so he may still feel threatened and isn’t socialized yet. But he is smart & follows commands so I can see how he could be professionally trained to socialize with other unfamiliar dogs (or cats.) For now, he would be best as the only pet. Oh! And that tongue? Still licks all the time so get used to that!
6/19/2020 Update:
Hoover is still doing good. Still a little skinny no matter what I feed him to put on some pounds. We still go for a walk/run every day. He will wait patiently as you put on his harness and he stops at the door for you to take it off when we are done. He doesn’t mind the hot weather. He will lie in the sun for a while but then he can regulate himself and go lie in the shade for a while. He and Woodrow hadn’t fought in 6 months but then I put out a big block of ice outside to lick on when it was hot. (Something new!) He really loved it, so much that he didn’t want to share with Woodrow & that started a scuffle. They’ve been fine since.
5/13/2020 Update:
Hi y’all. Sorry for the update delay. Hoover is doing great.He had a little ear infection over a month ago but Dr H helped us take care of it. His nails are so long but he is very tolerant of me using the Drimmel to file them down. He and Woodrow are getting along much better. Hoover is the chill one and Woodrow seemed to be the instigator in the past. We give him some high calorie can food to mix in with the raw diet we feed him and I think he is putting on a little weight now. As always, great on a leash and in the car. He likes to get out the door first into the back yard or the garage because that is where we usually let him out. But, he never bolts out the front door of the house. I have held the front door wide open and he will just sit in the entry. Every night around 9:15ish he will get up from where he is lying down and sit in front of us signaling to us that it’s time to lie down and go “night night” in the crate. So, we put him down per his request! So smart! He loves lying outside in the sunshine! He still licks a lot when he is happy along with wagging his nubby tail.
4/5/2020 Update:
Hoover’s update. He has been unaware of the hype and social distancing but loves that we are sheltered at home on weekends. We both still work so he & Woodrow are still on their weekly schedule.
We continue to get creative in getting him to gain weight. He is now in a raw diet. Recently we’ve added some goat milk. He must have a fast metabolism! (We all wish we had that!!) on his walks we have recently switched from the martingale collar to his car harness & he doesn’t pull anymore! He is so much better on a leash! And a funny bonus he will let you know when you need to get that poop bag ready! He will give an auditory signal or 2 (fart!) before he goes. He still likes to lick so his new family needs to embrace this quirk of his! He hasn’t been around any other dogs (other than Woodrow) so can’t say he will be a gentleman, but like all Rescue Bulldogs he will need SLOW introductions AND patience.
2/4/2020 Update;
A little about myself. I am a 3-year-old active male looking for a soul mate. I am a little old fashioned and might not like to share with another, but I am open to meeting your pack. My mom tells me I love to be the center of attention and might not like others taking center stage. I will give you all of my love and undivided attention. If you have older kids, I can handle that. I love the outdoors and an ideal partner would love to take long walks and maybe even run with me. If you want to bring toys into the relationship, I might be open to that in the right situation. I have been told that I am an excellent kisser. I take my food seriously. My therapist says I may have been deprived of food in my childhood, and this may always be an issue, but I am working on it. We agree that it is best if I eat alone, but that’s ok, I eat pretty quick so we can get right back to each other. I treat home security as a priority. No stray squirrel or any other rodent is authorized to enter the yard. My ideal evening is cuddling up with a comfy blanket and enjoying time with the one I love. You can even manage the remote.
So if you are looking for an active, loyal, open minded, affectionate fella to share your life with I may be the one!
1/1/2020 Update:
12/16/2019 Update:
My Foster Family wonders if I will ever get passed the times I spent on the mean streets. Being a stray does leave a mark on a guy. Sometimes when I am on a walk I feel like I need to defend myself if I come across an excited dog or one that wants to dominate me. I am always on the lookout for a slow rabbit or squirrel, I know those must be tasty. I am totally cool with my foster brother Woodrow, unless it is dinner time. Those dark days come back and I get possessive over food resources. I never do that with people, because they are always giving me food! And they don’t seem to want to eat mine. I dig all people, adults and kids. I am pretty chill and should probably be the only dog in a home.
11/23/2019 Update:
10/16/2019 Update:
9/29/2019 Update:
Hoover is doing great! He is much less anxious. He rides in the car well. He is not food aggressive as I first thought. Woodrow, I think, once tried to get into Hoover’s bowl when he first got here when he was still scared about his new surroundings. He loves to chill out and chew on his bone. He is learning to play catch but we are limiting his play not to get him too excited since he is still being treated for heartworm. He has also discovered rabbits that get into our backyard and is on the hunt every time he goes out there! He is a big pleaser & a sweetheart
9/22/2019 Update:
Hoover is healing well from his surgery and heart worm treatment. We are keeping him calm and separated from his foster brother most of the time. Overall, he is good with his foster brother but Hoover may have some food aggression issues. He might be better suited as the only dog in a home. He is very social and wants to be around you all the time. He loves to lick a lot! He would do great in a home that is active and take him for many walks.
9/9/2019 Update:
Hoover is a little anxious. Understandably coming from being a stray to a shelter! He is being crate trained and has a separate hallway to stay calm while being treated for heart worms. He needs lots of exercise so his adopted family needs to know this. He is walked 3-4 times per day. He is also very strong but pretty good on a leash otherwise. Because he shares a house with Woodrow (and we’re keeping them separated a lot) he barks quite a bit but has gotten a little better. He is a very sloppy drinker so get a good sized mat for his bowl! He is smart and wants to please. He already knows “sit “. He will be a great dog for an active family.
8/30/2019 Update: Please welcome Hoover to No Borders Bulldog Rescue. Hoover is a 3 year old Olde English Bulldog that weighs 52 lbs.
Hoover joins the NBBR family as an unclaimed stray. Hoover was found roaming the mean streets of a South Texas town. Unfortunately for Hoover he was caught, booked and held in a cell until (hopefully) his owners would claim him. The shelter that Hoover was taken to does not have air conditioning. This is definitely not a good situation for ANY dog but surely not for a Bulldog. Hoover wasn’t doing well in the shelter, so a shelter employee contacted a NBBR volunteer and asked if we would take Hoover and find him a forever home. As with many of the Bulldogs that come into NBBR, Hoover was in a small town that doesn’t have the best support with stray animals AND he was several hours away. So, the Bulldog Train sprung into action. A volunteer picked him up from the shelter and kept him over night. Volunteer One met volunteer Two to begin the transport. Volunteer Two drove 2 hours to met Volunteer 3 who took Hoover on the final leg of the journey. (And you think we are kidding when we say “it takes a village” to rescue Bulldogs).
Once Hoover was in the DFW area, his first stop (like all new intakes) was the clinic to get a complete checkup and hopefully a clean bill of health. While outwardly Hoover is a strapping young Bulldog, internally we were not so fortunate. Hoover tested Heartworm positive, had a horrible ear infection and some crud in his eyes. The good news is that there isn’t anything that can not be cured with treatment. The bad news is that everything Hoover has could have been prevented and are a clear sign of neglect. Hoover also needed to be neutered and to have all of his shots brought up to date (the shelter that he was taken too, does not have the resources to do ANY vetting on their dogs). Hoover was quickly scheduled to begin his Heartworm treatment. This treatment requires an over night stay at the clinic, followed by 30 days of crate rest. At that point Hoover will go back to the clinic for a second dose of Heartworm treatment followed by another 30 days of rest and relaxation.
Hoover is a real charmer. During his Tour of Texas to get to DFW he quickly charmed everyone he met, Shelter employees, transport volunteers, a couple of dogs at a pit stop, and the clinic staff. Even being Heartworm positive, Hoover is a big strong boy that likes to explore his surroundings. He was very affectionate during his transport (there were LOTS of Bulldog kisses given out). Hoover appears to be VERY appreciative of all those that have helped him. He joined his foster family this week and will be partaking in that much needed R and R. Stay tuned for updates as Hoover gets settled in and starts working his charm on his new foster family.. From what we have already seen of Hoover, these updates will be full of charm and some handsome pictures of his progress.