Breed: Olde English Bulldog
Sex: Male
Age: 16 months old
Weight: 55 lbs.
11/3/2018 Update:
Fergus was ADOPTED!!!! It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce that Fergus has found his forever family.
Fergus joined the NBBR family as an owner surrender. While only 16 months old, Fergus had a bumpy journey so far. His initial family purchased him and after about a year they were unable to afford food or proper medical care for him. He was then adopted by a family friend. All was going well until Fergus had a health emergency. Fergus woke up one morning with a prolapsed urethra and his family knew they would not be able to adequately take care of Fergus. They called NBBR and asked if we would be able to help Fergus with his medical care and to find him a family that could care for him long term. Their only other alternative would be to take him to the shelter and the shelter staff had already told them Fergus would be put to sleep because they didn’t have the resources to care for him. A prolapsed urethra is an issue with young unaltered males. While it can happen in any breed, it is more common in Bulldogs. It is not an issue for those that are squeamish. When our volunteer met Fergus’ surrendering family, Fergus was gushing blood, not just dripping, but gushing. To make things worse, when he got excited it would bleed more. Luckily his family had a t-shirt to use as a makeshift “diaper”. From there Fergus went immediately to the clinic. A prolapsed urethra as severe as Fergus had required surgery. The surgery was scheduled for the next morning giving the clinic staff enough time to complete his bloodwork and other necessary tests to determine how to proceed with the surgery. Fergus did well with the surgery but did have to stay several additional nights at the clinic due to prolonged excessive bleeding after his surgery. Other than this “issue” Fergus is healthy and up to date on all of his vaccines, heartworm and flea/tick preventative.
Fergus had caught the eye of his forever family from the day they first saw him on the NBBR website. They applied hoping that he would still be available. One concern was if their current Olde English Bulldog would get along with any Bulldog that they would adopt. During the process it was decided that on paper there appeared to be two dogs that could be a potential fit. The family decided to meet both Bulldogs before to see how they connected. They loved both Bulldogs and the final decision would be up to their current Bulldog. The first Meet and Greet did not go well at all. The family’s Bulldog did not want any part of the new Bulldog and she was very aggressive. This gave us concern for the next Meet and Greet with Fergus. The Meet and Greet went well and both dogs were comfortable with each other. Just to be sure, the family and Fergus’ foster family met later in the evening to give the dogs additional time to spend with each other. Everything went well and the rest is history. Congratulation to the entire family.
10/1/2018 Update:
9/24/2018 Update: What, still no forever family for me? FM says I need to be patience and the perfect family will come along. Been a little wet this week and that intruded on my walkies. Not much news… I will look forward to seeing some of y’all this weekend at the event at Sue Ellen’s !
9/17/2018 Update: Fergus here….
“If you wish upon a star….” wishing and hoping for my forever family. Just got back from the “farm” , man I love that place. If you are looking for a pickup riding, tank swimming, cow loving, Kubota riding, house protecting buddy… that’s me. If you are looking for a funny, lovable, goofball… that’s me. If you are looking for the cutest, handsomest bulldog… that’s me. Come get me, I am hoping and wishing for my forever family to love!
9/10/2018 Update:
Hi everyone!
Trying to be patient as I know my perfect forever family is out there…foster mom and Dad are good to me and love me and take great care of me….Just so everyone remembers, I am fun loving, energetic, love everything country, and really enjoy butt and ear scratches. And foster mom says I am a really handsome dude!
8/27/2018 Update: Fergus here.. just been hanging out with FM and FD.. went to the country a couple of weeks ago, I love it there. The cows, the pools and riding in the Kubota. Trying to be good and looking forward to my furever family.. FM saying I am just a big goof ball, well whatever!
7/25/2018 Update: Fergus here…. FM and FD have us all on lock down… no walks, only potty time outside and I and going stir crazy. FM and FD says I am antagonizing them.. I really just need to play and get this energy out. Still thinking about the nice people that I met last weekend at the adoption event and I really am hopeful that I will have a furever family soon!
7/18/2018 Update: Had a wonderful weekend. I met some really nice people at our adoption event, I was on my very bestest behavior and did my best to look handsome and sweet…. so here’s to hoping I get my furever family soon! Love Fergus
7/10/2018 Update: Fergus here, on my way back to Foster Mom and Dad’s . We went to “the Farm” for 5 days!!! it was so so fun. I learned that I love getting in the water, the cow’s tank and the swimming pool! I also love riding around in the Kubota and looking at the cows. I love the cows! And I learned not to chase them. (I really just wanted to play with them). I also got along with all the other dogs… it was awesome and Papaw was great, he let me sit in his lap, and he rode me around on the Kubota. Oh and we went to shot guns… I was not scared, I sat in the Kubota and watched. FM said I probably will be sleeping all week, and that is true I am tired from all my adventures. Still looking for my fur ever family! Love Fergus!
6/11/2018 Update: Fergus here! Been interesting week, we have had these “little ones” around, FM calls them her Grandkids. They are really cute and I want to play with them and give lots of kisses. I have to be very careful, because I am big and they are little. Everybody says I am soooo cute and handsome. FM says that I have been doing very well and hopefully soon I will find my forever home. FM says I deserve to have my own family. Please tell everyone about me so that I can have find my family! FM me FD say I am a big goofball!
6/4/2018 Update: Fergus here… I had a good week with foster mom and dad. I really like to run and play… I love my walks every day and my neighbors like to give pets and belly rubs. I am a fun and a funny guy that likes to tease my FM and FD. Playing is my favorite thing. Please consider me when looking for a playful and energetic friend.
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5/15/2018 Update: Hello everyone! I am doing great at my FM and FD’s place. However it started out rocky, FM said I was a “hot mess”, but my house manners have improved so so much. I have learned to walk on the leash, potty outside, not drink from the toilet (that was a big one!). I went to see doc on Saturday and he said I looked fantastic and had gained a much needed 14 lbs!!! I ready to find my forever family. I just to love play and run and fetch and wrestle…I am a real funny guy… will you please help me find my forever family??
4/26/2018 Update:
Please welcome Fergus to No Borders Bulldog Rescue. Fergus is a 16 month old male Olde English Bulldog that weighs 55 lbs.
Fergus joined the NBBR family as an owner surrender. While only 16 months old, Fergus has had a bumpy journey so far. His initial family purchased him and after about a year they were unable to afford food or proper medical care for him. He was then adopted by a family friend. All was going well until Fergus had a health emergency. Fergus woke up one morning with a prolapsed urethra and his family knew they would not be able to adequately take care of Fergus. They called NBBR and asked if we would be able to help Fergus with his medical care and to find him a family that could care for him long term. Their only other alternative would be to take him to the shelter and the shelter staff had already told them Fergus would be put to sleep because they didn’t have the resources to care for him.
A prolapsed urethra is an issue with young unaltered males. While it can happen in any breed, it is more common in Bulldogs. It is not an issue for those that are squeamish. When our volunteer met Fergus’ surrendering family, Fergus was gushing blood, not just dripping, but gushing. To make things worse, when he got excited it would bleed more. Luckily his family had a t-shirt to use as a makeshift “diaper”. From there Fergus went immediately to the clinic. A prolapsed urethra as severe as Fergus had required surgery. The surgery was scheduled for the next morning giving the clinic staff enough time to complete his bloodwork and other necessary tests to determine how to proceed with the surgery. Fergus did well with the surgery but did have to stay several additional nights at the clinic due to prolonged excessive bleeding after his surgery. Other than this “issue” Fergus is healthy and up to date on all of his vaccines, heartworm and flea/tick preventative.
Fergus is a very active, athletic Bulldog. While he is still on crate rest to recover from his surgery, it is very apparent he wants nothing more than to run, jump and do all the things he can’t do currently. But when he receives the go ahead from Dr. H- it will be ON for sure. In addition to being an active boy Fergus is a very loving little guy. While being transported to meet his new foster Dad, he made sure his paw was touching the chauffer the entire time. He even gave his transporter a quick kiss on the cheek as if to say “Thank you for helping me”. Once completely healed from his surgery, this ruggedly handsome guy will start his search for his final forever family. Please keep Mr. F in your thoughts and prayers as he heals.