

Breed:  English Bulldog 

Sex: Female

Age: 7 months old

Weight:  32 lbs. 




8/22/2019 Update:

Betsy was ADOPTED!!!!  She has found her happily ever after home.

Betsy joined the NBBR family as an owner surrender. Betsy’s story is not that uncommon.  She was purchased by a family that did not know anything about Bulldogs. They had many other obligations and financial concerns, so they quickly decided that Betsy should find another family.  The family listed Betsy for sale on social media.  You can imagine what a bad place that a 7 month old un-spayed English Bulldog puppy could find herself.   Luckily for Betsy, one of our dedicated followers saw the post and decided that Betsy needed to be rescued.  As many know, it sometimes takes a small army of volunteers to get a Bulldog into Rescue.   A dedicated group of bulldog lovers immediately raised the money to save Betsy. A NBBR volunteer picked up Betsy as soon as possible and brought her to NBBR. 

What can we say, Betsy hit the jackpot with her new forever home.  Betsy now has a forever Mom, Dad and canine sister.  She and her new sister have become BFFs almost immediately. The volunteers at NBBR work tirelessly to find the right forever home for each of our Bulldogs. Sometimes, no matter how much work the humans do, the animals involve say differently.   This was NOT the case with Betsy and her new sister.  They gave a four paws up and the rest is history. Mom and Dad were already in love, so when big sister gave the butt wiggle of approval all that was left was the paperwork.  Congratulations to Betsy and her new forever family. Thank you for opening your hearts and homes to give this little princess the happy ever after she so deserved.

8/4/2019 Update:

Boy, oh, boy,
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks! Foster parents bought a house, and I “helped” with the big move! I love to sit quietly and watch the hustle and bustle. A couple of friends have helped out and watched my foster sister and I, and that meant more people to give kisses too!
Foster parents have been very careful lately with all of the moving stuff around since I looooove to eat anything and everything that is on the ground. 
I’ve had a couple of potty accidents in the new house, but I’m just trying to get my bearings! I’ll be on track again soon 🙂

7/2/2019 Update;  

What a lazy 4th of July weekend t’was.
More packing going on with the foster parents, so foster sis and I took tons of naps and played around the house like crazy! We got a ton of new squeaky toys to keep us entertained, which are my favorite!!! I love to play fetch all day long, and even help my foster sis out by retrieving toys from under the bed. 
I’m doing a new thing now, where I like to sleep with my head on the pillow between my foster parents. Pretty sure I’m a human, and that’s where I belong. Foster sis likes to be up there too, so we  stretch our legs around each other. Spooning is great!
Well we make the big move to the house with the yard next week, so I can’t wait to show y’all pictures of me running laps!

6/23/2019 Update:

Foster parents bought a house and things have been busy around here! My foster sister and I have just been watching the packing chaos, and we have been getting into crazy, zoomy, battles to keep ourselves (and the foster parents) entertained. We look like two bears standing on our hind legs while we battle. It looks and sounds scary, but it’s the most fun ever! 
I’ve been going to work with my foster dad once a week, and it’s my most favorite thing ever. The amount of hugs and kisses I get there is out of this world! There’s even a line to say goodbye to me at the end of the day. 
My foster parents took me to get a bath this week, and I was nice enough to comply. It’s not my faaaaavorite thing, but I stay quiet unlike my noisy/whiny foster sis. I smell so yummy and coat is super shiny! I wish I could show it off, but it’s just too dang hot out! I go out to potty, and have to come right back in. There’s talks about a big backyard and and a plastic kiddy pool at the new house we will be moving to. I can’t wait to splash around with my foster sister!
I’ll keep ya updated and send some good pics of us cooling off!

6/17/2019 Update:

I got to go to work with foster dad this week! All I heard the whole day was “awwwwwwww, she’s so cute”, and it was the greatest. I crawled up in people’s laps, gave big hugs, licked faces, and took naps under desks! Not one potty accident, and not a single bark!
My foster sister and I continue to be the best of buds and I follow her everywhere she goes! I look up to her so much, and want to be just like her. When I win during our play time, I don’t know what to do so I just stand right over her. I also got to play with the Frenchie neighbor, and he’s a blast! I can barely keep up with his energy!
Foster parents took me to get my nails ground this week. The staff said I was the only dog ever to be excited to be there! I wiggled my butt and couldn’t wait to get to the grooming area… mainly so I could give the groomer kisses.
I’m feeling worried that I haven’t found my forever family yet, but trying to keep some pep in my step!

6/2/2019 Update:

Howdy y’all!
It’s getting soooo hot out, and I’m sad I can’t play outside all day! Foster mom has been bringing more new toys home lately, which makes up for it a bit, and I get the zoomies a couple of times per day! I also have become a big fan of playing fetch in the house. My foster parents keep tossing them across the room, and I keep bringing them back. I could do that for hours! My foster sister sometimes gets to the ball before me, and I just let her have it. I love her too much to take it from her!
I must be honest, I’ve been getting a little bored in the morning and have picked up a weird new habit. I love to pull the mat out from under the water bowl, turn the water bowl upside down, and bring the mat to foster mom in the other room. I just think it’s hysterical!
I made a new frenchie friend that lives in the complex, and I go over to his house and get some wiggles out. He and I get out of breath so fast from all of the fun! 
My foster parents took me on a road trip this weekend, and I was so well behaved. My foster sister and I just stayed in our beds, and we loved to cuddle up with each other. I got to play with so many kids and adults on this trip… it was a dream! I just love everyone oh so much, and get really sad if people don’t stop to say hello. 
Well, I hope my future family reads this and realizes I’m the most perfect doggy, and decides to take me home. I can’t wait to officially be settled in and loved for life.

5/27/2019 Update:

The foster parents had a friend visiting this week, and she brought her two little dogs. It was a madhouse and the most fun I’ve ever had! Not only did I have another human to smother me with love and kisses, but I got to practice my play skills with little fur balls. Apparently they don’t like how handsy I am when I play. You’d think I was a boxer!
I’m starting to gain weight and look like a big girl! I officially “sit” and “stay” before my parents put my food down, but I can’t help but drool before the bowl hits the ground! 
It’s been hot out lately, and although I love to lay in the grass and sunbathe for a minute or two, I’m mainly having to stay indoors with the other fur babies. I have a really hard time breathing and catching my breath when it’s too hot. Good thing I have pals to play with!

5/13/2019 Update:

Whelp folks… I did it… I finally pounced on the resident cat. I was just so curious, and feeling extra playful. I forgot it wasn’t a pooch like me! She didn’t get mad, thankfully, and now I consider her one of my friends.
I met something that is definitely not my friend. In fact, it’s officially a foe. I HATE THE VACUUM. At first I was just plain scared, and then I became angry. I tried to rip that thing apart as it hurled back and forth. I started to chase and drool, and I never ever want to see that thing again.
On a lighter note, this was week two of no potty accidents in the house! I think I’m really getting the hang of it! Also, I got to go to this cool dog bar where pups are allowed on the tables! I chose to go from table to table crawling into each person’s lap and giving them a million kisses. That’s definitely my new favorite place.
Overall, this week had its ups and downs for me, but it was definitely all about trying new things!

5/6/2019 Update:

Howdy everybody! It’s your pal Betsy the bulldog! 
Such a good week at home with my foster family! I missed my furry foster sister so much since we were both at sitters last week while the foster folks were out of town. I haven’t had any potty accidents this week! YAY! I’m getting so good at fetch and still love spending most days roughhousing with my foster sister. We just play non-stop and then sleep next to each other at night in the big bed. I’m starting to find my voice while we play! It’s a little squeaky now, but I keep trying it out. 
The weather has been so nice after the rain, that when my foster dad takes me outside, I trick him and just lay down to sunbathe. I can be a little stubborn when he gets me back up to potty. Foster mom and dad took me on two outings this weekend, and I got to meet lots of people and kids. I gave so many hugs and kisses, and made everybody laugh with my rump shaking!
Well until next time everyone. Big kisses and tail shakes from me, Betsy!

4/29/2019 Update:

Betsy here!
What an interesting week! My foster parents went out of town this week and I’m staying with a sitter. I’m having so much fun at their house and learning to potty in the backyard. Sunbathing is my new favorite hobby! They have a sassy small furry sister here, and I’m learning how to play with a smaller pup!

4/22/2019 Update: 

Howdy everybody! It’s your pal, Betsy!
I can chew on these for days, but my foster mom and dad don’t let me 🙁
I’ve had such a fun time here! It’s my third week with my foster Mom, Dad, and furry sister.  I’m getting so good at this thing called”sit” and “stay”. My foster mom makes me sit/stay before I eat my breakfast/dinner. I can even do it on my own now. 🐶 I only had one accident this week, so I guess I’m getting the hang of this “Go potty” thing.  
I stopped by the vet to get a check up this week, and not is everyone so nice there. I couldn’t stop giving everyone kisses.
Turns out, I have an upper respiratory infection and that’s why I cough all night long. I’m taking my medicine and it’s starting to clear up, thank goodness!
I’m getting a long so great with my bulldog sister. We are constantly playing and I think she is letting me win sometimes. She even cuddles me in the early morning hours by putting her arm around me. 
Everywhere I go, I give people hugs and kisses if they’ll let me. It’s kind of my thing now and I just wiggle my butt until someone picks me up. 🐶
Well I got to go… my foster sister is ready to play tug of war again. Big kisses from me, Betsy the bulldog

4/15/2019 Update:  

Hey everybody! Betsy, here!
I’ve had a blast on my second week with my foster Mom, Dad, and furry sister. Big week for me here. I’m learning to “sit” and “stay” and I’m getting really good at playing with toys and learning to share. I get so much energy out playing with my bulldog sister. My foster parents are still super excited when I do that potty thing outside. 
Foster mom was out of town for a few days, so it was a few days without rules! I had a couple of accidents in the house, and chewed up the remote… oops! She wasn’t gone too long and I’m starting to get the hang of doing my business outside, plus I love hearing that I’m such a good girl.
Foster mom’s nephew came into town this week, and he is a really nice boy who plays with me. We all went on so many car rides this week. My foster family took me to my first dog park! I spent most of my time running up to people to give them a hug, and they hugged me back. I got to run around a lot since the weather was so nice and cool! It was pretty windy and my allergies got so bad by the time I got home. Foster mom and dad kept having to wipe my nose, but I don’t mind it so much.
I’m getting used to my fabric kennel.  Sometimes I choose to sleep in there at night, but I prefer the big bed with my foster family.  I love sleep and napping on my foster mom. 
Well I’ve got to go. I’m getting sleepy even that thing that meows is already asleep. I’ll be dreaming of my new forever family. Big kisses and cuddles.

4/8/2019 Update:

Hey everybody,
I’m Betsy!!! I’ve had a great first week with my foster Mom and Dad. They even have another English Bulldog just like me, and we spend most days tumbling around and playing tug-o-war. She also taught me how to climb the stairs…. can you believe it? 🐶
There’s another fuzzy animal that walks around the house sometimes and says “meow”. I’m curious about her, but for the most part we keep to ourselves. 
I’ve learned so many new things this week! There’s this thing my foster parents keep repeating whenever we go outside called “go potty”. I’m still trying to get the hang of it and learn just what they want. All I know is I get a treat every time we go outside! 
I really hope my new family is ready for all the love I have to give. I might be small, but I’m full of so much love. Oh… I’ve got to go, it’s dinner time and my foster dad and I are going to watch something with zombies. Well, I hope everyone has a good week. To my new family out there…. I love you! I’ll be dreaming of you and I’ll give you so many kisses. 🐶

3/23/2019 Update:

Please welcome Betsy to No Borders Bulldog Rescue.   Betsy is a 7 month old female English Bulldog that weighs 32 lbs. 

Betsy joined the NBBR family as an owner surrender. Betsy’s story is not that uncommon.  She was purchased by a family that did not know anything about Bulldogs. They had many other obligations and financial concerns, so they quickly decided that Betsy should find another family.  The family listed Betsy for sale on social media.  You can imagine what a bad place that a 7 month old unspayed English Bulldog puppy could find herself.   Luckily for Betsy, one of our dedicated followers saw the post and decided that Betsy needed to be rescued.  As many know, it sometimes takes a small army of volunteers to get a Bulldog into Rescue.   A dedicated group of bulldog lovers immediately raised the money to save Betsy. A NBBR volunteer picked up Betsy as soon as possible. 

Once Betsy was safe in Rescue, she was taken to the clinic to get a checkup to determine what treatments she would need.   According to Betsy’s previous owners, they had given her the  necessary vaccinations themselves.. purchased as Tractor Supply!  However, they had no records to support this. Betsy will be brought up to date on all the necessary vaccination and will also need to be spayed.  

The first thing you notice about Miss Betsy is her energetic little butt wiggles. She is a happy little girl that appears to love everyone she meets.  She is a complete cuddle monster. While in the car with our volunteers, Betsy was the most well behaved puppy you will ever meet.  Betsy quickly found a comfortable spot on our volunteers lap and stayed there the entire time.  While she has never met a stranger, Betsy does seem to have a preference for men/boys.  We are not sure what that is all about, but it is only a small preference as she will love on ANYONE that will let her.   Betsy will be joining her foster family on Tuesday to settle in and get some stability in her life.  Stay tuned for more information on Ms. B as she starts a new chapter in her life and the journey to find a forever home.  With her looks and bubbly personality, she will be someone’s princess in no time.