Bam Bam
Sex: Male
Age: 2 years old
Weight: 73 lbs.
4/1/2017 Update: Bam Bam has been adopted! It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce that Bam Bam has found his forever family. After being on Craigslist, to another home, to foster he is now in his forever home. He will never have to move again.
It was love at first sight when his forever family laid eyes on him from the day he joined NBBR. When they met him in person he went right to them and he definitely stole their hearts.
He jumped into their car and they were off. He will enjoy a lifetime of love and happiness. It’s everything he deserves.
Congratulations to Bam Bam and his new forever parents.
3/27/2017 Update: Bam Bam continues to flourish. He is very smart and sweet.
He learned how to push the gate open very quietly to sneak upstairs to check on the cats. The first time was a success for him as he was able to chase one. Luckily foster Mom was able to grab him right as he was reaching one. Since then he still opens the gate but he does stop when he is told no or he hears his name.
His foster siblings taught him to obsess over the pool vacuum when it was set too high. So now he has to watch it every time he goes outside. This is where the bully stubbornness comes in and he will not leave the area without a treat stuck in his face to lure him away. I don’t know if it is him being stubborn or him training his foster Mom to bring him treats.
He continues to love his daily walks, following his foster Mom around and he loves to share the recliner with one of his foster parents.
If you want a bully who is going to be happy being by your side and sharing your chair with you, Bam Bam is the one.
3/20/2017 Update: Bam Bam has had some improvements this week. He had a car ride to the vet and he laid down in the back seat most of the ride instead of walking back and forth to each window. Big improvement! He also received a great report from the vet!
His personality continues to show and now the stubbornness in the bully breed is starting to come out. Instead of coming when called, he has now decided he will come to you when he is darn good and ready. Typical bully!
He also notices anytime a dog is on tv. The channel has to be changed because he runs up to the tv and is ready to pounce. Don’t think you are trying to trick him either by changing the channel for just a couple of minutes. He will keep his eyes on that tv at all times until he knows for sure the dog on tv is not coming back.
Bam Bam also loves the sun. As soon as he hits the grass he plops down to soak up some rays. He gets overheated very fast though and has to come in and cool off.
Bam Bam is also very protective. His foster sibling loves to go after the vacuum and Bam Bam thought she was going after his foster Mom. He let his foster sibling know that she was not going to get his foster Mom.
It’s such a pleasure watching Bam Bam’s personality blossom. He is still the same loving just want to be loved on boy, with a touch of sass as well. Who is ready to give belly rubs, be loved and laugh at his silliness?
3/10/2017 Update: This sweet boy is finally learning how to play with toys. His personality is starting to come out and he is even starting to get along with the other dogs in the house. He loves our daily walks and does great on a leash. Bam Bam is a gentle laid back boy who is easily entertained.
3/6/2017 Update: In the short amount of time Bam Bam has been with us I have figured out a few things about him. It appears that he does not know how to play with toys. In trying to teach him, I will lay on the floor with him and he will somehow manage to sit on my head and then roll over for a long belly rub. Forget about the toys at that point because that belly rub makes him happy as can be. He just wants to be touching his human or having his human loving on him at all times.
A couple of things we are working on include getting along with the other dogs in the house.
We are also working on his bathroom schedule. He has not had any accidents outside the crate but he does go in the crate at night. He has had a lot happen in his life the last couple of weeks so I’m assuming he is physically and mentally trying to adjust.
The best news of all. No seizures for this boy since being with us!
3/1/2017 Update: First night in foster went great. He is anxious but that is to be expected being in a new home. Bam Bam is such a good boy. He goes into the crate when you open the door. When we are outside and he is ready to come in he goes to the door and he loves a good bootie scratch. He definitely knows what the refrigerator is because if it is open his nose is inside. He also knows how to sit and shake for a treat. He loves to be with people and will follow you everywhere you go. This sweet boy just wants to be loved.
2/28/2017 Update: Please welcome Bam Bam to the NBBR family. Bam Bam is a 2 year old Olde English Bulldog that weighs approximately 73 lbs.
Bam Bam joined the NBBR family as an owner surrender. Bam Bam has hit a rough patch on his life journey. Bam Bam had recently been rehomed to a new family who had purchased him on Craigslist. All was going well until last Saturday when Bam Bam had a seizure. The family took him to the vet and had tests run to determine their next steps. Two days later he had an “incident”, not a seizure but something wasn’t right. At that point, the family decided they did not have the resources to adequately deal with Bam Bam’s needs. They called NBBR and asked if we could help.
When discussing Bam Bam on the phone with our intake person, Bam Bam was described as an Olde English Bulldog. When our volunteers went to meet Bam Bam the first thing they noticed was that he is a BIG boy. They quickly wondered if he might have bullmastiff in his linage. The most important thing was that if NBBR did not help him, his family was going to take him to a shelter by the end of the afternoon. So, even though we are a “Bulldog Rescue” we quickly determined that Bam Bam was an Olde English Bulldog, and he claimed his spot in the NBBR family.
The first stop for Bam Bam was to the clinic to further evaluate his seizure condition. There were labs drawn and Dr. H is working with Bam Bam’s foster family to determine a long term treatment protocol. On first inspection Bam Bam appears to be healthy. He was prescribed some medication and we are monitoring his condition to determine the next steps.
Bam Bam is a VERY sweet boy. He has a great personality and gets along with everyone he meets. Currently he is on medical hold until we get him figured out. Once this is completed Bam Bam will begin his search for his forever family. Stay tuned as we get more information on this lover boy.